Crystal Report Hosting BLOG

All about Crystal Report 2010 Hosting and Crystal Report 2008 Hosting articles - Steps in Changing Web Hosting Providers

clock October 3, 2011 18:45 by author Administrator

There are many reasons why individuals or companies want to change to a new web hosting company. It could be as simple as not enough storage space or bandwidth, or it could be due to its customer service, or lack thereof.

Easier said than done? Changing to a new web hosting company may sound like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be that complex - there are just a few things to keep in mind.

1. Keep your web hosting account with your existing host open

It is recommend that you keep your existing web hosting account active until you have completed the transition steps (ie. new account setup, file transfer, email creation and setup, DNS modification and propagation).This will ensure that your website and domain email accounts will be running during the transition.

2. Choose a suitable new web hosting provider

Considerations include:

a) Type of OS (Windows vs. Linux) - it depends on the technologies your website requires. For example, if your website requires ASP, MSSQL, MSACCESS or other Microsoft-specific technologies, then you will need to find a Windows-platform web hosting plan.

b) Bandwidth and disk space requirements

3. Make a backup copy of your existing website: download old account files

Ideally, files should be downloaded in the same tree structure in which you want to upload it later. Also look for any file or chmod permissions that you might to set on any folder or file. This is a fairly easy task and can easily be accomplished by FTP.

However, some free web hosting providers do not offer FTP access. This is especially true if you're currently using a free Flash/drag-and-drop website creation service (ie.,

If this is the case, you will not be able to download your existing web files and will have to re-create your new web files. You should check to see if your new web hosting provider offers a free website creator.

To avoid running into the same problem in the future, make sure your new web hosting provider offers FTP access.

4. Setup new (same) email addresses

To ensure that emails are properly received, it is important to keep the same email addresses, including email aliases and forwarders.

5. DNS changes and propagation

Once you have uploaded your web files to the new web hosting server and re-created your email accounts, you can go ahead and make the necessary domain name server (DNS) changes.

DNS is usually obtained once you have signed up with the new web hosting provider. You will need to replace your existing DNS settings with the new one - this is usually done via your domain management panel (your domain registrar).

The new DNS will take anywhere between 24-48 hours to propagate, therefore the old web host is responsible for website and email in the meantime. This is why cancelling the old service should be the very last thing to do.

6. Cancel your old account.

Once your new account has been activated and your website and email services at your new web hosting provider are up and running, you can proceed to have your old account cancelled.

If you need assistance in migrating your website to a new host, you can contact We offer migration assistance FREE of CHARGE


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ASP.NET Hosting :: Things to AVOID in JSON serialization

clock September 12, 2011 16:01 by author Administrator
If you’ve spent much time working with the .NET platform, ASP.NET’s simple, convention-based approach to exposing JSON endpoints seems just about too good to be true. After years of fiddling with manual settings in XML configuration files, it’s understandable to assume that working with JSON in ASP.NET would require a similar rigmarole, yet it does not.Unfortunately, this unexpected ease-of-use isn’t obvious if you don’t already know about it, which has led some developers to build needlessly complicated solutions to problems that don’t actually exist. In this post, I want to point out a few ways not to approach JSON in ASP.NET and then show you a couple examples of leveraging the frame work to do it “right”.

A couple examples of what NOT to do

To show you exactly what I’m talking about, let’s start by looking at a few concrete examples of ways that you should not handle sending and receiving JSON in your ASP.NET services.For all the examples, we’re going to be trying to send and/or receive instances of this Person class:
public class Person
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  public string LastName { get; set; }
Once you progress beyond simple scalar types, sending objects (and collections of them) back and forth is a pretty logical next step, and that’s also the point where this manual serialization trouble seems to begin. So, working with this simple Person class should serve as a realistic example, without being overly complex.

Manual serialization, using JavaScriptSerializer

The most common variant of this mistake that I’ve seen is using JavaScriptSerializer to manually build a JSON string and then returning that string as the result of a service method. For example, if you didn’t know better, you might do this to return an instance of the Person class:
public class PersonService : WebService
  public string GetDave()
    Person dave = new Person();
    dave.FirstName = Dave;
    dave.LastName = Ward;
    JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
    // Results in {"FirstName":"Dave","LastName":"Ward"}
    string json = jss.Serialize<Person>(dave);
    return json;
This may look sensible enough on the surface. After all, the json variable does end up containing a nicely serialized JSON string, which seems to be what we want. However, you should not do this.

What actually happens

Part of the beauty of using ASP.NET’s JSON-enabled services is that you rarely have to think much about the translation between JSON on the client-side and .NET objects on the server-side. When requested with the proper incantations, ASP.NET automatically JSON serializes your service methods’ responses, even if their result is an object or collection of objects.Unfortunately, that automatic translation also makes it easy to end up with doubly-serialized responses if you aren’t aware that ASP.NET is already handling the serialization for you, which is exactly what would happen in the preceding example. The end result is that the Person object is serialized twice before it gets back to the browser – once as part of the method’s imperative code and then a second time by convention.In other words, it’s understandable to expect the previous code example would return this response:
But, what it actually returns is this:
// All the quotes in the manually generated JSON must be escaped in 
//  the second pass, hence all the backslashes.
What a mess. That’s probably not what you had in mind, is it?

Using DataContractJsonSerializer or Json.NET is no better

This may seem obvious, but I want to point out that using a different manual serialization tool, like WCF’s DataContractJsonSerializer or Json.NET, in place of JavaScriptSerializer above does not remedy the underlying problem. I only mention it because I’ve seen those variations of the mistake floating around too.If anything, in the case of DataContractJsonSerializer, it’s even worse. DCJS’ handling of Dictionary collections and Enums makes life unnecessarily tedious at times, and the code to manually invoke it is even more verbose than that for JavaScriptSerializer.

The impact this mistake has on the client-side

If it weren’t bad enough to add extra computational overhead on the server-side, cruft up the response with escaping backslashes, and increase the size of the JSON payload over the wire, this mistake carries a penalty on the client-side too.Most JavaScript frameworks automatically deserialize JSON responses, but (rightfully) only expect one level of JSON serialization. That means that the standard functionality provided by most libraries will only unwrap one level of the doubly serialized stack of JSON produced by the previous example.So, even after the response comes back and your framework has deserialized it once, you’ll still need to deserialize it a second time to finally extract a usable JavaScript object if you’ve made the mistake of manually serializing. For example, this is code you might see to mitigate that in jQuery:
  type: 'POST',
  dataType: 'json',
  contentType: 'application/json',
  url: 'PersonService.asmx/GetDave',
  data: '{}',
  success: function(response) {
    // At this point, response is a *string* containing the
    //  manually generated JSON, and must be deserialized again.
    var person;
    // This is a very common way of handling
    //  the second round of JSON deserialization:
    person = eval('(' + response + ')');
    // You'll also see this approach, which
    //  uses browser-native JSON handling:
    person = JSON.parse(response);
    // Using a framework's built-in helper 
    //  method is another common fix:
    person = $.parseJSON(person);
Regardless of which approach is used, if you see code like this running after the framework has already processed a response, it’s a pretty good indication that something is wrong. Not only is this more complicated and verbose than it needs to be, but it adds additional overhead on the client-side for absolutely no valid reason.

Flipping the script (and the JSON)

Redundant JSON serialization on responses is definitely one of the most common variations of this problem I’ve seen, but the inverse of that mistake also seems to be an alluring pitfall. Far too often, I’ve seen service methods that accept a single JSON string as their input parameter and then manually parse several intended inputs from that.Something like this to accept a Person object form the client-side and save it on the server-side, for example:
public class PersonService : WebService
  public void SavePerson(string PersonToSave)
    JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
    Person p = jss.Deserialize<Person>(PersonToSave);
Just as ASP.NET automatically JSON serializes responses on its JSON-friendly services, it also expects that the input parameters will be in JSON format and automatically deserializes those on the way in. So, in reverse order, the approach above makes a mistake similar to the ones shown earlier.To make this work, we’d need to pass in JSON that looks something like this, obfuscating the actually desired input parameters inside a single, doubly-serialized string parameter.
Through the convenience of JSON.stringify(), it’s not even terribly hard to stumble onto a process for cobbling that double-JSON structure together on the client-side and making this approach work. I strongly recommend against it though. Even if the double-JSON didn’t carry extra overhead in several aspects, having a single input parameter of type string on this method is misleading. A year from now, will anyone realize what type of parameter that method accepts without looking down into the manual parsing code? Probably not.

Doing it right

Briefly, here are what I suggest as better ways to handle passing our Person object in and out of ASP.NET services.

Returning an object

Returning a .NET object from ASP.NET services is incredibly easy. If you let go and just trust the service to handle JSON translation for you, “it just works”:
public class PersonService : WebService
  public Person GetDave()
    Person dave = new Person();
    dave.FirstName = Dave;
    dave.LastName = Ward;
    // So easy!
    return dave;
As long as you call that service method through a ScriptManager’s service proxy or using the correct parameters when using a library like jQuery, ASP.NET will automatically serialize the Person object and return it as raw, unencumbered JSON.

Accepting an object from the client-side

Accepting a Person object from the client-side works identically, in reverse. ASP.NET does a great job of matching JSON-serialized request parameters to .NET’s types, collections, and even your own custom objects.For example this is how you could accept a Person object, which would even then allow you to call that object’s custom methods:
public class PersonService : WebService
  public void SavePerson(Person PersonToSave)
    // No, really, that's it (assuming Person has a Save() method).


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Crystal Report Hosting :: Dynamic Images at runtime in Crystal Report XI using ASP.Net 2.0

clock June 9, 2011 17:46 by author Administrator

This article helps to display dynamic Images in crystal report Using ASP.Net 2.0.

We can use two methods to dynamically change the picture in the crystal report either the Image stored in the database as a BLOB and as a picture available in the local path.

Method I: Using recordset

1. Add a recordset and add a table in that. Add a column of System.Byte[] (Only System.Byte is available in the data type of data Table, Manually add the System.Byte[] in that. System.Byte not allowed for images).Then use the below code

2. Design the report with that dataset. You can add this System.Byte[] column as part of your main data table which have the all data or add a separate data table with a System.Byte[] and a key column that link to the main data table.

3. Add the below code

private ds_Images Images1;
rptTest crReportDocument = new rptTest(); // rptTest is your crystal report name

protected void btnShowReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ImageTable(); crReportDocument.Database.Tables["tblImages"].SetDataSource(Images1.Tables[0].DataSet);
string ExportPathFinal;
ExportPathFinal = ExportPath + "\\" + "TEMP" + "\\";
if (Directory.Exists(ExportPathFinal) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(ExportPathFinal);

//Export Crystal Report to PDF
ExportOptions crExportOptions = new ExportOptions();
DiskFileDestinationOptions crDiskFileDestinationOptions = new DiskFileDestinationOptions();
crExportOptions = crReportDocument.ExportOptions;
crDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = ExportPathFinal + "MyreportTest.pdf";

//Set the required report ExportOptions properties
crExportOptions.ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile;
crExportOptions.ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat; // Or any other Format
crExportOptions.DestinationOptions = crDiskFileDestinationOptions;

string ExportPathFinal1 = ExportPath1 + "\\" + "TEMP" + "\\";
string pathToPDFfile = ExportPathFinal1 + "MyreportTest.pdf";
Response.Redirect(pathToPDFfile, true);
//Close and dispose of report

private void ImageTable()
ds_Images Images1 = new ds_Images();
string fileName = @"\\img\a.JPG";
fileName = Server.MapPath(fileName.Trim());
DataRow row;
Images1.Tables[0].TableName = "tblImages";
Images1.Tables[0].Columns.Add("img", System.Type.GetType("System.Byte[]"));
row = Images1.Tables[0].NewRow();
FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
row[0] = br.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(br.BaseStream.Length));
row[1] = 1;
br = null;
fs = null;

Method II: Using Picture Object of Crystal Report

Using the Dynamic Graphic Location of picture OLE object of crystal report, we can change picture dynamically at run-time.

1. Create a parameter field in the report with string data type.
2 In the report Add a picture OLE object. inside report right click->Insert->OLE object- >select Bitmap Image
3 Right click the OLE picture object and select Format Object- >select Picture tab ->Graphic location -> inside it drag the parameter field.

in the front end just pass the Image URL to the report

ParameterDiscreteValue crParameterimgLocation;
string img_url = @"\\images/newImages/nevadadot.JPG";
img_url = Server.MapPath(img_url);
crParameterField = crParameterFields["imgLocation"];
crParameterValues = crParameterField.CurrentValues;
this.crParameterimgLocation = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
this.crParameterimgLocation.Value = img_url;

//Add current value for the parameter field

Note: while passing the Image URL do not put put single quotes.

We can use either method to display the Images in the report dynamically.

In Crystal Reports XI, the 'Dynamic Image Location' feature does not work with images in GIF format. Why does this behavior occur and how can you resolve it?" This drawback matches to the recordset method too.

"To debug the issue

This behavior occurs because Crystal Reports XI does not fully support the GIF file format. To resolve this behavior, use a supported image format when working with the 'Dynamic Image Location' feature. Supported image formats are Joint Photographic Experts (JPG), bitmap (BMP), Tagged Image File Format (TIF) and Portable Network Graphics (PNG)."

Any comments appreciated

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Crystal Report v13 Hosting with

clock May 11, 2011 20:28 by author Administrator, a premier provider in advanced Windows and ASP.NET hosting service, proudly announces the availability of the latest Crystal Report v13 hosting on our newest Windows Server 2008 Hosting Platform.

You can start hosting your Crystal Report v13 project on our environment from as just low as $4.49/month only. For more details about this product, please visit our product page at     

Crystal Reports has been a part of Visual Basic since 1993, and a part of Visual Studio since its first release in 2002. Crystal Reports has been a very successful component of these products. With the release of Visual Studio 2010, SAP and Microsoft have mutually decided to change how we deliver this important component to the .NET developer community going forward," said Tom Heinrich, General Manager of ASPHostCentral.

Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 will contain many new features compared to Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008
," said Senior Support Specialist, Ryan Dalgish.

The demonstrations can be found at

For more details, please visit:  

ASPHostCentral is a premier web hosting company where you will find low cost and
reliable web hosting services. Whether you're an enterprise level business or a small business entity or someone who just wants to host his own personal website - we have a suitable web hosting solution for you.
For more information, visit

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Crystal Report 2010 Hosting with

clock January 13, 2011 14:31 by author Administrator offers the latest Crystal Report for Visual Studio 2010 application to all our new and existing customers. This application must be request via our Help Desk System and it will be ready between 1 to 24 hours. What you need to make sure is that you understand the requirements for installing the application itself (such as whether SQL database is needed, etc).

Crystal Reports has been a part of Visual Basic since 1993, and a part of Visual Studio since its first release in 2002. Crystal Reports has been a very successful component of these products. With the release of Visual Studio 2010, SAP and Microsoft have mutually decided to change how we deliver this important component to the .NET developer community going forward

Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010

Starting on Friday, April 16th, the beta version of Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 will be available as a separate download from this site. Just like when Crystal Reports was integrated into the Visual Studio installation, this download will continue to be free

Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 will contain many new features compared to Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008. This blog on the SAP Developer Network goes into more detail on the new features and how they benefit report designers, .NET developers, and report consumers

Both SAP and Microsoft believe this change in delivery method will allow for faster innovation of our respective products, and more value for our mutual customers   

Crystal Report 2010 Product Demonstrations provides a demonstration or showcase of Crystal Report to all our customers. This demonstration is to show that we are able to host Crystal Report 2010, Crystal Viewer and other underlying Crystal Report components. The demonstration of Crystal Report can be found at:

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Crystal Report 2010 Hosting :: New Features in Crystal Report 2010

clock October 10, 2010 16:18 by author Administrator

Ever since Visual Basic 2 released in 1993, Crystal Reports has been an integral part of the Microsoft developer experience.   Up until this article is released, Crystal Report 2010 has not yet come up. The developers on BusinessObjects are still working on the beta version and the full release is due on Q3 2010.

Even though this product has not been fully released yet, we can take a “sneak preview” of changes made on this Crystal Report 2010 version, what exciting new features we can expect and things that remain on this version. This article will elaborate Crystal Report 2010 product feature in a concise way. For anyone that is looking to host Crystal Report, you can consider as your
crystal report hosting provider.

Things that change on Crystal Report 2010:

- Crystal Reports will no longer be included in Visual Studio 2010
- Instead, Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 will be provided by SAP as a
free download, no registration required
Because its now delivered separately, the delivery dates don't exactly line up
- A production release will be no later than Q3 2010
- The EULA for Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 will match the Crystal Reports 2008 EULA.  The only material change when comparing the EULA with Visual Studio 2008 is that free external redistribution for web applications is no longer included.  Its purchased separately with the
Crystal Reports Developer Advantage runtime license
- The MSM runtime will be unavailable.  MSI and ClickOnce will be the supported deployment methods for the runtime engine

Things that do not change on Crystal Report 2010:

- Unlimited internal distribution of thick client and server applications that embed the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 runtime is included - same as Visual Studio 2008
- Unlimited external distribution of thick client applications that embed the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 runtime is included - same as Visual Studio 2008
- Both 32-bit and 64-bit runtimes are available.  This is unchanged compared to Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008, but the presence of a 64-bit runtime is a major net new feature for Crystal Reports 2008 customers

New Features in Crystal Report 2010:

- New WPF Viewer
- New XLSX export to take advantage of the big grid for data-only Excel exports
- Improved report viewing experience provides more interactivity to end users of your reports
- New read-only RPT file called RPTR that allows you to control who can see the internals of your report design.  You create a RPTR file by exporting it from an RPT.  After that, RPTR files can only be opened by the report viewers.  oUR Report designer tools will refuse to open RPTR files - protecting your internal business logic in the report
- Improved embedded report designer - for example you can now create dynamic, cascading parameters
- Various .NET API improvements to improve the migration for COM-based RDC customers
- Lighter weight English-only runtime for reduced deployment size
- More flexible MSI deployment to replace MSM use cases

In conclusion

Visual Studio 2010 allows developers to:
- Receive Crystal Reports in a different manner than before
- Continue to benefit from a free version of Crystal Reports that's fully integrated with Visual Studio
- Get a significant upgrade in features compared to Visual Studio 2008
- See slight modifications to licensing that will mostly impact those who redistribute web applications externally


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Crystal Report Hosting :: Cannot display a Crystal Report Graph

clock May 31, 2010 14:10 by author Administrator
Some of you may experience problems when deploying your Crystal Report project to a shared server. One of the common problems that you will face is the inability for the server to display a graph. You may be confused as the graph displays properly on your local PC, but it is not working when deploying it to a shared server., as a leading Crystal Report provider, proudly presents this article to anyone and we believe it may benefit ASP.NET community or anyone who are using Crystal Report. We have a demo of our own Crystal Report project and you can preview it at If you are looking to host your Crystal Report project, look no further as with, you can start from as low as $4.99/month only!

Below are a few things you may want to check when you need to deploy a .Net 2.0 web application that integrates Crystal Reports:

Deploy Crystal components

First, and rather obvious, is to make sure the correct version of Crystal components are installed on the server. If you have the Visual Studio SDK installed, you can look for CRRedist2005_x86.msi, which is in this folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\BootStrapper\Packages\CrystalReports on your machine. Running that installation on the server will make sure all components required for Crystal Reports are properly installed on your machine.

If you have a setup project for your web application, you can add a merge module to that project. Crystal Reports provides four merge modules for download at this location. Depending on your needs, you may need to add any combination of these to your setup project. Which module is required for your application can be found in this document on the Business Objects support site.

Web.Config settings

In order for a Crystal Reports viewer to work, the following settings must be added to the appSettings section in the web.Config file:

<add key="CrystalImageCleaner-AutoStart" value="true"/>
<add key="CrystalImageCleaner-Sleep" value="60000"/>
<add key="CrystalImageCleaner-Age" value="120000"/>

This will ensure that the temporary images for Crystal are removed when they are no longer required. The following setting must be added the the httpHandlers section.

<add verb="GET" path="CrystalImageHandler.aspx" type="CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalImageHandler, CrystalDecisions.Web, Version=10.2.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304"/>

This is required, because otherwise all you will see is an empty box with a red cross in it.

aspnet_client files

Last, but certainly not least, check the aspnet_client folder in the root folder of your web site. This folder should contain a folder with the name CrystalReportWebFormViewer3. That folder must exist in the following path: system_web\2_0_50727. If that folder is not there, copy it from your local machine. It should be in the folder C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ASP.NETClientFiles.

Where do you go for Crystal Report Service Hosting?

What we think makes so compelling is how deeply integrated all the pieces are. We integrate and centralize everything--from the systems to the control panel software to the process of buying a domain name. For us, that means we can innovate literally everywhere. We've put the guys who develop the software and the administrators who watch over the server right next to the 24-hour Fanatical Support team, so we all learn from each other:

- 24/7-based Support - We never fall asleep and we run a service that is operating 24/7 a year. Even everyone is on holiday during Easter or Christmas/New Year, we are always behind our desk serving our customers
- Excellent Uptime Rate - Our key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain our server uptime rate. We never ever happy to see your site goes down and we truly understand that it will hurt your online business. If your service is down, it will certainly become our pain and we will certainly look for the right pill to kill the pain ASAP
- High Performance and Reliable Server - We never ever overload our server with tons of clients. We always load balance our server to make sure we can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server
- Experts in Crystal Report Hosting - Given the scale of our environment, we have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Our team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up ASPHostCentral
- Daily Backup Service - We realize that your website is very important to your business and hence, we never ever forget to create a daily backup. Your database and website are backup every night into a permanent remote tape drive to ensure that they are always safe and secure. The backup is always ready and available anytime you need it
- Easy Site Administration - With our powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for our Support Team. Additionally, you can also install
more than 100 FREE applications directly via our Control Panel in 1 minute!

Happy hosting!

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Crystal Report Hosting :: Crystal Report Error - How to solve "bobj is undefined"?

clock May 30, 2010 19:17 by author Administrator
Some of you may experience the error message: “bobj is undefined” when deploying your Crystal Report project. This error message can be seen as a javascript error that appears on the left bottom corner of your Crystal Report page. What causes this problem? This is what we are trying to discuss here., as a leading Crystal Report provider, proudly presents this article to anyone and we believe it may benefit ASP.NET community or anyone who are using Crystal Report. We have a demo of our own Crystal Report project and you can preview it at
If you are looking to host your Crystal Report project, look no further as with, you can start from as low as $4.99/month only!

Problem: “bobj is undefined”


Step 1: copy the entire folder located at: C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\crystalreportviewers12

1) Go to My Computer
2) Right click and select Manage
3) Expand Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
4) Expand Web Sites
5) Expand Default Web Site
6) Expand aspnet_client
7) Expand system_web
7) Look in the folders listed under aspnet_client .. if the folder "crystalreportviewers12 does not appear in any of the folders listed under aspnet_Client, paste the entire "crystalreportviewer12" folder in the folder that is missing the "crystalreportviewers12" folder.

Shown below is just one of these entries from the log file (note the path shown):

2009-08-19 14:09:09 GET /aspnet_client/system_web/2_0_50727/crystalreportviewers12/allInOne.js - 80 - Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1;+In foPath.1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727) 200

Where do you go for Crystal Report Service Hosting?

What we think makes so compelling is how deeply integrated all the pieces are. We integrate and centralize everything--from the systems to the control panel software to the process of buying a domain name. For us, that means we can innovate literally everywhere. We've put the guys who develop the software and the administrators who watch over the server right next to the 24-hour Fanatical Support team, so we all learn from each other:

- 24/7-based Support - We never fall asleep and we run a service that is operating 24/7 a year. Even everyone is on holiday during Easter or Christmas/New Year, we are always behind our desk serving our customers
- Excellent Uptime Rate - Our key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain our server uptime rate. We never ever happy to see your site goes down and we truly understand that it will hurt your online business. If your service is down, it will certainly become our pain and we will certainly look for the right pill to kill the pain ASAP
- High Performance and Reliable Server - We never ever overload our server with tons of clients. We always load balance our server to make sure we can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server
- Experts in Crystal Report Hosting - Given the scale of our environment, we have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Our team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up ASPHostCentral
- Daily Backup Service - We realize that your website is very important to your business and hence, we never ever forget to create a daily backup. Your database and website are backup every night into a permanent remote tape drive to ensure that they are always safe and secure. The backup is always ready and available anytime you need it
- Easy Site Administration - With our powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for our Support Team. Additionally, you can also install
more than 100 FREE applications
directly via our Control Panel in 1 minute!

Happy hosting!

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Crystal Report Hosting :: How to Insert a Text Object into Crystal Report XI

clock April 29, 2010 14:29 by author Richard

This topic explains how to insert a Text Object into Crystal Report XI. If you want better understanding of Crystal Report, we recommend you to try and you can start from our lowest Standard Plan @4.99/month to host your Crystal Report site.

Here is how you insert it:

1. Open Crystal Reports XI

2. Create a blank report or open an existing one.

3. Click the Text object button as noted in the attached picture.

4. Notice how your mouse pointer changes to cross hairs (looks like a large plus sign). Draw your text object into the section where you want it by clicking the left mouse button, holding the button down and dragging the mouse pointer until you achieve the desired size of the text object.

5. Type in the text you want displayed on the report.

6. Press the "F5" key to run your report.

Top Reasons to trust your Crystal Report website to

What we think makes so compelling is how deeply integrated all the pieces are. We integrate and centralize everything--from the systems to the control panel software to the process of buying a domain name. For us, that means we can innovate literally everywhere. We've put the guys who develop the software and the admins who watch over the server right next to the 24-hour Fanatical Support team, so we all learn from each other:

- 24/7-based Support - We never fall asleep and we run a service that is operating 24/7 a year. Even everyone is on holiday during Easter or Christmas/New Year, we are always behind our desk serving our customers
- Excellent Uptime Rate - Our key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain our server uptime rate. We never ever happy to see your site goes down and we truly understand that it will hurt your onlines business. If your service is down, it will certainly become our pain and we will certainly look for the right pill to kill the pain ASAP
- High Performance and Reliable Server - We never ever overload our server with tons of clients. We always load balance our server to make sure we can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server
- Experts in Crystal Report Hosting - Given the scale of our environment, we have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Our team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up ASPHostCentral
- Daily Backup Service - We realise that your website is very important to your business and hence, we never ever forget to create a daily backup. Your database and website are backup every night into a permanent remote tape drive to ensure that they are always safe and secure. The backup is always ready and available anytime you need it
- Easy Site Administration - With our powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for our Support Team. Additionally, you can also install more than 100 FREE applications directly via our Control Panel in 1 minute!

Happy hosting!

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Crystal Report Hosting :: How to Create and Use a Custom Function in Crystal Report

clock April 28, 2010 14:54 by author Richard

This topic explains the steps  to create and use a custom function in Crystal Report. If you want better understanding of Crystal Report, we recommend you to try and you can start from our lowest Standard Plan @4.99/month to host your Crystal Report site.

A custom function can be used when there is a need to run the same code/logic in multiple places of a report/reports. To create and use a custom function in a Crystal Report, follow these steps.


1. Open Crystal Reports and open the Formula Workshop.

2. Right click on 'Report Custom Functions' and click on New...

3. Type in the name of the formula and click on the 'Use Editor' button.

4. Type in the function. The function in this picture has two parameters. It adds two number together and returns the result.

5. When done, click Save and Close. You have now created a custom function.

6. You can now call the custom function from within a formula. Remember to enter any parameters that need to be sent to the custom function. If the custom function shown, the value returned from the custom function is saved in a variable. The value in that variable is then returned from the formula.

Top Reasons to trust your Crystal Report website to

What we think makes so compelling is how deeply integrated all the pieces are. We integrate and centralize everything--from the systems to the control panel software to the process of buying a domain name. For us, that means we can innovate literally everywhere. We've put the guys who develop the software and the admins who watch over the server right next to the 24-hour Fanatical Support team, so we all learn from each other:

- 24/7-based Support - We never fall asleep and we run a service that is operating 24/7 a year. Even everyone is on holiday during Easter or Christmas/New Year, we are always behind our desk serving our customers
- Excellent Uptime Rate - Our key strength in delivering the service to you is to maintain our server uptime rate. We never ever happy to see your site goes down and we truly understand that it will hurt your onlines business. If your service is down, it will certainly become our pain and we will certainly look for the right pill to kill the pain ASAP
- High Performance and Reliable Server - We never ever overload our server with tons of clients. We always load balance our server to make sure we can deliver an excellent service, coupling with the high performance and reliable server
- Experts in Crystal Report Hosting - Given the scale of our environment, we have recruited and developed some of the best talent in the hosting technology that you are using. Our team is strong because of the experience and talents of the individuals who make up ASPHostCentral
- Daily Backup Service - We realise that your website is very important to your business and hence, we never ever forget to create a daily backup. Your database and website are backup every night into a permanent remote tape drive to ensure that they are always safe and secure. The backup is always ready and available anytime you need it
- Easy Site Administration - With our powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for our Support Team. Additionally, you can also install more than 100 FREE applications directly via our Control Panel in 1 minute!

Happy hosting!

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Crystal Report Hosting

ASPHostCentral is a premier web hosting company where you will find low cost and reliable web hosting. We have supported the latest Crystal Report 2010 (v13 and v14) hosting. We have also supported the latest ASP.NET 4.5 hosting and ASP.NET MVC 4 hosting. We have supported the latest SQL Server 2012 Hosting and Windows Server 2012 Hosting too!


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